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According to the dictionary on my computer, to consecrate something is to make or declare it sacred or to dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.  It’s something we do every Sunday when our offering is presented with a doxology and a prayer. We are dedicating our financial gifts and what they will accomplish for a divine purpose. Our pledges, our opportunities to serve forms, our intentions and hopes for the coming year’s ministry all become dedicated for a divine purpose. This year’s stewardship theme, “Imagine Together,” at first comes across as something we do among ourselves. We’ve highlighted some aspects of the church through this year’s stewardship videos:

  • Imagine Together how we can support the children in our midst through Sunday School and Youth Group and the care for their families.
  • Imagine Together how we can support our staff as they do the behind-the-scenes tasks that keeps the church running and enables the ministries to happen.
  • Imagine Together what we can do as we combine hopes and resources from two congregations, working more in unity.
  • Imagine Together the depth of community that is formed when we come together in Fellowship.

Once we consecrate our gifts and intentions for the coming year, it’s no longer our own imagining. Once we dedicate our pledges and hopes for a divine purpose, we begin imagining with God what can be done to bring God’s vision for our lives and the world to reality. Once we consecrate what we have imagined together, hold on, because we’ve turned it over to God. Have you ever noticed what God can do with human gifts? People get fed. People are comforted and reminded they are loved. Creation is cared for. Children are nurtured in body and spirit. Music is made. Lives and hearts are expanded.  It is time for us to consecrate our gifts and intentions for the coming year. I can’t wait to see what God will do with what we bring. I hope to see you this Sunday for consecration Sunday. If you can’t make it in person, I hope you’ll join us online. See you then!  Rev. Lynne

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