How We Worship

About Worship in General

Worship is the central activity of our church and the best way to get to know who we are. Dress is casual. Services generally last about an hour. Greeters welcome you at the front door and ushers offer you a bulletin (or program) at the sanctuary doors (or worship space). Children (ages 4-12) begin in worship and then are dismissed to Sunday School. On the first Sunday of the month, children begin in Sunday School and then join their families for communion at the end of the service. Yes, we welcome children at the table of the Lord.

Nursery care is provided for children under the age of 5. Youth are invited to remain in worship.

A typical Sunday service includes:

  • Congregational responsive readings and unison prayers
  • Congregational singing, supported by organ and piano
  • Musical presentations from our Chancel and Handbell choirs, as well as various vocal and instrumental ensembles and soloists
  • Reading of scripture
  • Spoken and silent prayer
  • A children’s sermon
  • A sermon
  • An offering and dedication of our gifts, followed by a sung Doxology
  • Holy Communion, celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

We use the New Century Hymnal, the United Methodist Hymnal, and The Faith We Sing songbook, as well as other musical resources.

Large-print bulletins and hearing devices are available.

The facility is handicap accessible.

We have padded chairs, not pews, allowing for flexible, comfortable seating.

Our worship space is enhanced visually through colorful tapestries, stained glass windows and the use of projection.

More About Holy Communion

As part of the United Church of Christ, we celebrate an open communion table. We recognize that Jesus is the host and invites all to receive. It is in the recalling of Christ’s command to the disciples that they love one another and remember him in the breaking of the bread and the pouring of the cup, that we recognize the presence of Christ. Communion is generally served at the front of the worship space with bread and grape juice. Gluten free bread alternatives are always available. For those who choose not to come forward but wish to partake, Communion will be served to them where they are.

Is there room for you at worship? Absolutely!


We are 100% handicap accessible.