This is Montana. People tend to dress casually and extend western hospitality. We hope our church is friendly. Some choose to dress up for Sunday worship, i.e., a few ties and sport coats, but most men are tie-less and most women are in pants. In summertime some will be in shorts and sandals. Please come as you are.
We have ample parking with a few designated visitor spots as well as handicap parking in front and in back. Our facility is one hundred percent handicap accessible. The sidewalk leads to our front narthex doors, though entry is available from all sides of the building. Signs inside the building will direct you somewhat, but please ask us. We will be happy to help.
Worship tends to start on time and end on time, if not a little early, as we share our morning worship schedule with Christ United Methodist Church. Sunday School meets during the worship hour and child care is provided. We have a lovely nursery with a very caring paid attendant and adult volunteer helpers.
During worship we stand some for those who are able, but we do not kneel. Our worship is facilitated with the use of a projector and screen but we still use bulletins and hymnals as well. Our order of worship is easy to follow.
Following worship we have an active and robust fellowship time, with fair trade coffee, juice and a variety of treats being served. We hope to greet you warmly as friendships are being renewed and made. We do enjoy fellowship and hope you will, too!