Beginning March 2, 2025 Worship time will be 10:00 A.M.
Worship Notes For February 23, 2025 – 9:30 A.M. Seventh Sunday of Epiphany
Praise Service
Minister: Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith
Scripture: Psalm 121
Lay Reader: Dana Kirkmeyer; Ushers: Bruce Cole & Bill Tiskus; Acolytes: Jullian Valley, Elvis Light; Accompanist: Victor Tsai; Choir Director: Jason Webster; Sunday School: Erin Borland; Nursery: May Harris, Gracie Kuszmaul; Treats: Dean Jardee, Karen McElroy, Sue Skees; Tellers: Paul Haffeman, Nancy Zadick
The service will be live-streamed on both church Facebook pages and a recording of the livestream will be available on YouTube later in the day and on the UCC website.
NOTE – Each week’s complete UCC Worship Bulletin is also available on this web page – both on the front page and in the Posts.
Christian Education News
February 23 will be the monthly “theme” day for Sunday School. The topic will be “Caring For . . . VJ Antonette”. Children age 5 through grade 8 are invited to join the class for this special monthly event. Children will begin in Sunday School and remain for the entire worship hour. Erin Borland will lead the class. As usual, nursery care will be provided for children through age 5.
Lenten Book Study – Beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 10:00 A.M. We meet on Wednesdays in the church parlor for 1.5 hours and all are welcome. This session will be led by Retired Pastor Paul Holland. We are going to look at Adam Hamilton’s book 24 Hours that Changed the World. Cost is $9.00. Please let Lois Baker know if you would like a book ordered.
UCC Confirmation – Plans are under way for a UCC Confirmation program. The class sessions will be held in four one-day retreat settings, 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. on March 1 & 22 and April 5 & 26. Students who wish, will be confirmed during worship on May 4. Can you help with confirmation? Rev. Lynne is looking for some adult helpers for the confirmation classes. If you can come and help out on any of the above dates for a morning or afternoon session (or all day!), please contact Rev. Lynne. You will not have to do any of the planning but you may be asked to help facilitate an activity or discussion. Adult participants will be required to have a background check on file with us.
Christian Service
Loaves and Fishes 20th Annual Dinner & Auction – An evening of good food (Salmon Loaf, Cucumber Sauce, Rolls, Coleslaw, Jell-O, Desert Bars) plus silent auction and raffle.
Friday, March 21, 2025 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 1326 1st Ave. N. – 4:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. Free will offering All proceeds support FISH, the emergency food program for the hungry in Great Falls.
FISH is in need of raffle items and silent auction items. Do you knit or crochet? Are you crafty? Do woodcarving or woodworking? Do quilting or needlework? Paint? Or making theme gift baskets? If you know a local merchant that is willing to donate gift certificates or cards, these would be greatly appreciated. If you have raffle or auction items to donate, please drop them off at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church by Wednesday, March 19th. Thanking you in advance.
Quilt Raffle – Christ United Methodist’s Women in Faith is sponsoring a quilt raffle. The queen sized quilt is on display in Fellowship Hall and will be raffled during coffee fellowship on Mother’s Day, May 11. Tickets are 1/$1.00 or 6/$5.00. All proceeds will benefit local charities. Please see Jeanne Nobbs or Carolyn Dowdy for tickets. Need not be present to win.
Help Our Local Kids – We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt request to support the children of West Elementary School. Many of these young students arrive without essential items, and together, we can make a meaningful difference in their lives. Please consider donating to our West Elementary mid-year drive. Here’s what we need:
- Food Pantry Items:
- Cans of Chef Boyardee, vegetables, fruit
- Tuna, cream of chicken and mushroom soup
- Stew, tomato soup, chicken noodle soup
- Can openers
- Jelly, mac and cheese, ramen
- The school receives cheese and peanut butter.
- Everything helps
- School Supplies:
- Notebooks, pencils, pens, backpacks, crayons, markers
- Any school essentials for students who arrive late in the year
- Clothing:
- All sizes, for both boys and girls
- New or gently used clothes that can help a child get through the day with comfort and confidence
By contributing these items, you can help ensure that every child at West Elementary has the nourishment and tools they need to succeed. Your generous donations will go a long way in making their school year brighter and more hopeful. Thank you for always coming together as a church community and supporting these wonderful children. Please leave items in the box marked for West Elementary in the narthex. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Bible Jeopardy – On Sunday, March 9, the Christian Education Board will host an intergenerational “Bible Jeopardy” game during coffee fellowship. Plan now to join in the fun!
With unexpected health and family challenges, the Fellowship Board is looking for a few members to fill in for a 2025 term and a 2027 term. The Fellowship plans and coordinates social events, plans for refreshments after church and brainstorms other fun activities (such as Bingo this Sunday!). If you would like to see what it’s all about or step in for one of these terms, please call KimKay McCarty martin at (701) 260-2833. They are meeting this Friday, February 14 at 4:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. Feel free to join in!
Announcements and Upcoming Meetings
Beginning March 2, 2025 Worship time will be 10:00 A.M.
Last Call for Search & Call Surveys – This is the last call for surveys for the Search and Call Committee. The final deadline is Sunday, February 23. Paper copies are available on the table in the narthex. Or fill out the form electronically at:
Return paper copies to the church and send electronic surveys to So far, the committee has received over 100 surveys! Thank you to everyone from both congregations who have participated in this important part of our Search & Call process.
Ash Wednesday Service and Stone Soup Supper – March 5, 5:00 P.M.
“From dust you have come and to dust you shall return.”
Our Ash Wednesday service will continue the tradition of utilizing a variety of meditation centers to explore and reflect on the season of Lent. The service will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Following the service, the Fellowship Board is sponsoring a Stone Soup Supper. Please sign up for the supper on the sheet in the church narthex. You are encouraged to help create the soup by providing vegetables. Vegetables should be canned or frozen (no fresh veggies) and brought to the kitchen by 5:00 P.M. (before the service). Suggested donations by last name: A-H: Peas; I-N: Carrots; O-S: Green Beans; T-Z: Corn. The Fellowship Board will be providing water, coffee, juice, rolls and dessert. Please use the sign-up sheet in the church narthex to let the Fellowship Board know you are coming and how you’ll be contributing.
Save the Date! Spring Retreat
“For Such A Time As This”
Sign up now for the annual spring retreat sponsored by the unified Church Growth and Vitality Board. Rev. Sara MacGilvra Branom will facilitate “For Such A Time As This” on Saturday, March 22. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 A.M. The retreat will begin at 9:00 A.M. Lunch will also be served and the event will wrap up at 4:00 P.M. Cost is $20.00 and scholarships are available. See the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. Checks can be written to First Congregational UCC with “Retreat” on the memo line. Cash payments should be place in the offering in an envelope with the participant’s name clearly marked on the envelope. It will be a wonderful day of reflection and fellowship.
Coming Up
Say Cheese! Don’t forget to have your picture taken for the new pictorial church yearbook! Just a couple more Sundays remain in the month! Look for Eric in the fellowship hall after worship. He’ll be to your right as you come through the door. Sit and enjoy some fellowship while you wait! For those not in the area, feel free to send a digital photo to Eric at Don’t forget to include your name!
Thursday, February 13
5:30 P.M. Search and Call, Parlor
Friday, February 14
4:00 P.M. Fellowship Board, FH
Sunday, February 16
3:00 P.M. Stewardship Board, Zoom
3:00 P.M. CUMC Confirmation, FUMC
Monday, February 17
6:30 P.M. Church Council, Zoom
Wednesday, February 19
10:00 A.M. Bridge, SS Wing
10:00 A.M. Book Study, Parlor
1:30 P.M. Pinochle, FH
6:00 P.M. Youth Group
6:00 P.M. Handbells
7:15 P.M. Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, February 20
1:00 P.M. Women In Faith, FH
5:30 P.M. Search and Call, Parlor