Worship Notes For January 12, 2025
Baptism of the Lord, 9:30 A.M.
Worship Leader: Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith
Scripture: Luke 3:15-22
Lay Reader: Ray Young; Ushers: Cara and Kaeden Dunn; Acolytes: Kaeden Dunn, Lily Borland; Choir Director: Jason Webster; Accompanist: Victor Tsai; Sunday School: Janet Koostra; Nursery: Gracie Kuszmaul, May Harris; Coffee Fellowship: Molly Beck, Peggy Floen,; Bev Harris, and Susan Sanford; Tellers: Steve Gettel, Paul Haffeman
The service will be live-streamed on both church Facebook pages and a recording of the livestream will be available on YouTube later in the day and on the UCC website.
NOTE – Each week’s complete UCC Worship Bulletin is also available on this web page – both on the front page and in the Posts.
This Sunday we will celebrate the Baptism of Jesus and acknowledge those who were baptized in the past year with the presentation of Baptism doves. Our 2024 baptisms were Aalayah, Angelito, Saint, Aurelia, Bailey and Chase.
Christian Education News
Children begin in worship on January 12. They will share a time with Pastor Lynne before going to Sunday School. This week’s lesson is “Boy Jesus in the Temple”. Teacher is Janet Koostra. Children 5 years old and up are invited to attend Sunday School. Nursery care is provided for children through age 5.
Volunteers Needed to Teach Sunday School – It’s time to set up a schedule for winter/spring Sunday School teachers and helpers. For those who have been teachers already, watch your inbox for information about lessons and scheduling. And new teachers are welcome! Contact Janet Koostra, 406-727-8443 or janetkoostra@gmail.com for more information. Sunday School is lively and fun! Come join us!
Christian Service
Fishing for Volunteers – Hey all you FISH volunteers! Just letting you know that FCUCC’s next turn to work at the FISH Food Pantry is January 21-24 9:00-11:00 A.M. (we won’t be working on Monday of that week since it is a MLK holiday). If you’d like to volunteer and distribute food to families in need, please call Carol Davidson. Thank you so much if you can help!
Womens’ Coffee – Saturday, January 11 at 10:30 A.M. at Miss Kitty’s (2501 6th Ave. N). What one small thing brings you happiness every day?
United Women In Faith will be meeting January 16th at 1:00 P.M. for a Pledge Program. This is where we review what the Women of Faith do world-wide and we pledge our support of this women and children support program. All women are welcome to come and join in the missional and fellowship group. We meet in the Fellowship Hall.
Business Affairs
2024 Giving Deadline – With the holidays fast approaching, the current year ending, and a new one coming up: please remember that donations meant for the 2024 tax year, whether pledged or unpledged, must be received in the office by December 31, 2024. Fulfilling current pledges before the end of the year is most appreciated. If you are unsure about your pledge, please call the church office.
Going into the New Year… With the unified budget underway, please continue to make donations to your respective church: First Congregational UCC or Christ UMC.
Coming Up
The next newsletter will be mailed on January 8. Office hours may be reduced December 24-January 3. Before stopping by the church, please call ahead of time to make sure we are open.
Rev. Lynne will be out of town December 27 – January 2. She will be available by email, phone and text. For immediate pastoral care needs, contact Rev. Eric Finsand (Our Savior’s Lutheran Church) 406-799-7788.
Announcements and Upcoming Meetings
Worship Time – There has been discussion at some of our board meetings regarding moving our Sunday worship time to 10:00 A.M. Since we no longer need to accommodate Pastor Dawn’s schedule for attending both Methodist services, the thought is that moving the start time back a half hour might make it more convenient for members and families to attend more regularly.
The possibility of moving our worship time from 9:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. will be a topic of discussion at the Annual Meeting on January 19. Please be thinking about your opinion regarding the potential time change and be ready to address the question at the Annual Meeting.
Call to Annual Meeting – First Congregational United Church of Christ-Great Falls Council has scheduled the 2025 Annual Meeting for Sunday, January 19 following an abbreviated worship service. We will conduct business, vote on the 2025 unified budget, install board members and officers, and discuss other items of interest. The meeting will be followed immediately by the annual meeting of the Memorial Fund Corporation. All members and friends of First Congregational United Church of Christ and Christ United Methodist Church are strongly encouraged to attend and participate, keeping in mind that only members are able to vote. Lunch provided by the Fellowship Board.
Search and Call Update – The Search and Call Committee met on Thursday, January 2. The group elected Liz Lee as chair, Dale Dallmann as vice-chair, Rev. Sara MacGilvra Branom as chaplain and Noël Walker as secretary. Other members are Hank Branom, Rev. Paul Holland, Dean Jardee, Janet Koostra and Marilyn Sheffels. The committee meets again on Thursday, January 9.
Facilities Calendar – Did you know that between church needs and outside groups using the church space, in a typical week there will be 15 – 20 things going on in the church building? This is a busy place! If you are scheduling anything at the church (including Zoom meetings) please coordinate with Holly to make sure the space you need is available. Having your meeting on the calendar also helps us keep track who is coming and going in the building for safety purposes.
Coming Up
Thursday, January 9
5:30 P.M. Memorial Corp., Conf. Room
5:30 P.M. Search and Call, Parlor
Saturday, January 11
10:30 A.M. Women’s Coffee, Miss Kitty’s
Sunday, January 12
10:45 A.M. Christian Ed. Board, Parlor
10:45 A.M. Unified Worship Board, Sanct.
Monday, January 13
6:00 P.M. Business Affairs, Zoom
Tuesday, January 14
10:00 A.M. Mitten Makers, FH
6:30 P.M. UCC Church Council, Zoom
Wednesday, January 15
10:00 A.M. Bridge, SS Wing
10:00 A.M. Book Study, Parlor
1:30 P.M. Pinochle, FH
6:00 P.M. Youth Leaders
6:00 P.M. Handbells
7:15 P.M. Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, January 16
1:00 P.M. United Women in Faith, FH