We participate in service and offering opportunities year-round. In the fall we collect school supplies for our area schools. Thanksgiving finds us supporting the Salvation Army food basket program. Come Advent, we ring bells for the Salvation Army, purchase gifts for needy children through our angel tree, and provide sacks of groceries for St. Vincent.
We distribute Food at FISH (a local, ecumenical food pantry). We help serve meals at St. Ann’s Kitchen. We take a monthly offering to sustain this food pantry ministry and another to provide emergency assistance through Opportunities, Inc. We CROPWALK annually to stamp out hunger. During fellowship time we serve Fair Trade Coffee in support of coffee growers committed to organic, sustainable farming methods.
We collect and distribute diapers each Mother’s Day and periodically provide meals to The Grace Home, a home for homeless veterans.
We support the Children’s Receiving Home (a place providing a home for children who are removed from abusive households) with finances and supplies.
We have “adopted” West Elementary school to assist in meeting the needs within this school community as communicated to us through the principal. We have a team of dedicated volunteers who spend time weekly listening to students read. We provide meals to the teachers during Parent Teacher Conferences and Thanksgiving meals to families at West Elementary who need a little help putting Thanksgiving dinner on the table.
We are also an active member congregation of the Great Falls Ministerial Association which provides ecumenical opportunities throughout the year.