Bible Study
The United Church of Christ believes in the authority of scripture, where the Bible is the ultimate rule of faith and practice. That being said, our denomination was born out of the free church tradition, with the original Congregationalists being the Separatists from the Church of England.
Therefore freedom of interpretation is a guaranteed right of the individual.
We study the Bible together, seeking God’s Word and guidance for our communal and personal lives. It is joyful!
The Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith leads a Bible study in the fall and early winter, bringing to our studies resources and interpretations from the world of modern biblical scholarship. Our Bible studies are quite popular and rigorous. Recent Bible Studies have included and in-depth exploration of the Book of Revelation, The History of the Bible, the parables, and the Gospel of John.
As people of faith it is important that we know our biblical story. To mature as Christians it is important to have knowledge of the Bible. Studying scripture together not only helps us to grow as individuals, but it shapes us into a vibrant community of faith, as well as it equips us to pass on the faith. We invite you to join us on the journey. It begins with the Bible.
“We take the Bible too seriously to take it literally.”
Special Topics
Periodically, groups gather to explore special topics and how we live our faith in today’s world. Examples of previous studies are a discussion on The Lord’s Prayer (from Darkwood Brew), white privilege, and sharing faith stories.