Pictorial Directory

Due to popular demand, Eric will have the photo booth set up in Fellowship Hall for one more week. After Sunday, March 2, anyone wanting their photo in the pictorial directory will have to make an appointment directly with Eric or send in a digital photo to tech@greatfallsucc.org.

The Ties that Bind

“Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love….” Throughout the season of Lent, our worship services will draw from images of the many fibers that weave us together. As a community of faith that is working towards a fuller unification, what fibers do we bring into that tapestry? What are the threads […]

Lenten Book Study

Beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 10:00 A.M.  We meet on Wednesdays in the church parlor for 1.5 hours and all are welcome.  This session will be led by Retired Pastor Paul Holland.  We are going to look at Adam Hamilton's book 24 Hours that Changed the World. Cost is $9.00.  Please let Lois Baker know […]

Bible Study – Parlor

Beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 10:00 A.M. We meet on Wednesdays in the church parlor for 1.5 hours and all are welcome. This session will be led by Retired Pastor Paul Holland. We are going to look at Adam Hamilton's book 24 Hours that Changed the World. Cost is $9.00. Please let Lois Baker know […]