Bible Study and Prayer

via Zoom

Join us for a weekly Bible Study and Time of Prayer. This will be a reflective type of Bible study with lots of time for journaling, reflection, sharing, and prayer. Bring a candle, your favorite Bible, and a journal to write in. Each session will be about 45 minutes. For the safety and security of […]

Joint Worship 9:30 am

via Zoom

We share worship with Christ United Methodist Church through the summer months. Currently, worship is offered through Zoom, Facebook live-streaming, and YouTube. Facebook Link: YouTube Channel: Zoom log-in information available by request:

Let’s Talk About It

via Zoom

To ensure the safety of our participants, Zoom log-in information provided by request. Contact Rev. Lynne:

Bible Study and Prayer

via Zoom

Join us for a weekly Bible Study and Time of Prayer. This will be a reflective type of Bible study with lots of time for journaling, reflection, sharing, and prayer. Bring a candle, your favorite Bible, and a journal to write in. Each session will be about 45 minutes. For the safety and security of […]

Service of Prayer and Reflection

Front lawn of church

We're breaking our isolation to come together in prayer and reflection, lifting up the multitude of issues that are confronting our nation and community. On this day after Juneteenth, we will learn about the history of this commemoration of the declaration of freedom from slavery. We will reflect upon and pray for the ongoing struggles […]

Joint Worship 9:30 am

via Zoom

We share worship with Christ United Methodist Church through the summer months. Currently, worship is offered through Zoom, Facebook live-streaming, and YouTube. Facebook Link: YouTube Channel: Zoom log-in information available by request:

Pride Family Affirmation Service

The Great Falls Ministerial Association joins members of the Great Falls LGTBQ Center and the Teen Quties for a non-denominational service, celebrating Pride and our community as a family. The service will be live streamed from the First United Methodist Church of Great Falls, MT. A recording will be available for anyone interested.

Joint Worship 9:30 am

via Zoom

We share worship with Christ United Methodist Church through the summer months. Currently, worship is offered through Zoom, Facebook live-streaming, and YouTube. Facebook Link: YouTube Channel: Zoom log-in information available by request:

Worship Board

via Zoom

Meets to plan July 19 and August 16 outdoor services