We’re breaking our isolation to come together in prayer and reflection, lifting up the multitude of issues that are confronting our nation and community. On this day after Juneteenth, we will learn about the history of this commemoration of the declaration of freedom from slavery. We will reflect upon and pray for the ongoing struggles of people of color in our nation and the destructive racial divides. We will reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on our community and the world. We will, for the first time in three months, be physically present with one another, observing safety and health precautions.
We will gather on the front lawn of the church: 2900 9th Ave. S.2900
You will bring your own chair and a face mask (we’ll have some extras if you need one).
You will be asked to maintain 6 feet distance from those not in your family group.
You will be asked to be open to the movement of the Spirit in your soul and among those who are gathered.