Inclusive Teen Prom
Great Falls LGBTQ Center 525 Central Ave. Suite U2 – Second Floor Great Falls, MT 59401, Great Falls, MT, United StatesDid you know… ...That we are once again providing refreshments for the Inclusive Teen Prom sponsored by the Great Falls LGBTQ Center taking place this Saturday? This is just one of the ways we show love to all. Contact the GF LGBTQ Center for more information.
UCC Confirmation
Plans are under way for a UCC Confirmation program. The class sessions will be held in four one-day retreat settings, 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. on March 1 & 22 and April 5 & 26. Students who wish, will be confirmed during worship on May 4. Please keep the students in your prayers: Liam Brewer, Kaeden Dunn, […]
Transfiguration Sunday Holy Communion
First Community United Church of Christ & Christ United Methodist Church 2900 9th Ave S, Great Falls, MontanaMinister: Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith Scripture: Luke 9:28-36 Lay Reader: Noël Walker Ushers: Dale & Nancy Dallmann Communion: Dale & Nancy Dallmann, Susan Thomas Acolytes: Bailey Schrader, Lily Borland Accompanist: Barb Swaby Choir Director: Jason Webster Cantabellé Ringers Director: Dennis Dell Sunday School: Janet Koostra Nursery: May Harris, Gracie Kuszmaul Coffee Fellowship: Bill Tiskus, Dennis & […]
Christian Education News
March 2 is Communion Sunday. Children will begin in Sunday School with teacher Janet Koostra. This week’s lesson will be about Ash Wednesday. The Sunday School offering will be designated for VJ Antonette, our Global Ministries mission sponsor child. Children will join their families for the sacrament of Holy Communion and the conclusion of worship. […]
Pictorial Directory
Due to popular demand, Eric will have the photo booth set up in Fellowship Hall for one more week. After Sunday, March 2, anyone wanting their photo in the pictorial directory will have to make an appointment directly with Eric or send in a digital photo to
The Ties that Bind
“Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love….” Throughout the season of Lent, our worship services will draw from images of the many fibers that weave us together. As a community of faith that is working towards a fuller unification, what fibers do we bring into that tapestry? What are the threads […]