
Fellowship Hall



Camp Sunday

Wear your favorite camp shirt or hat to church this Sunday! Hear camp stories! Sing camp songs! This Sunday we celebrate, you guessed it, CAMP! Gather in the fellowship hall after worship for a lunch of hotdogs, beans, chips, and dessert- provided by the Fellowship Board.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Don’t forget about the silent auction, happening now!  Have […]

Second Sunday in Lent Camp Sunday Worship Service

  Minister: Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith Lay Reader: Joan Duncan Ushers: Dale and Nancy Dallmann Accompanist: Marge Kline Acolyte: Ellie Bucher Nursery: Mackenzie Noble Fellowship Board providing hot dogs, beans, chips Debbe Rothweiler: Rice Krispy treats Bruce Cole: cake Tellers: Steve Gettel, Carol Shipley, Noël Walker The service will be live-streamed and a recording of the […]