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Sixth Sunday of Epiphany
Sixth Sunday of Epiphany
The service will be live-streamed on both church Facebook pages and a recording of the livestream will be available on YouTube later in the day and on the UCC website.
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Inclusive Teen Prom
Did you know… ...That we are once again providing refreshments for the Inclusive Teen Prom sponsored by the Great Falls LGBTQ Center taking place this Saturday? This is just one of the ways we show love to all. Contact the GF LGBTQ Center for more information.
UCC Confirmation
UCC Confirmation
Plans are under way for a UCC Confirmation program. The class sessions will be held in four one-day retreat settings, 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. on March 1 & 22 and April 5 & 26. Students who wish, will be confirmed during worship on May 4. Please keep the students in your prayers: Liam Brewer, Kaeden Dunn, […]