Ash Wednesday Service and Stone Soup Supper

Our Ash Wednesday service will continue the tradition of utilizing a variety of meditation centers to explore and reflect on the season of Lent. The service will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Following the service, the Fellowship Board is sponsoring a Stone Soup Supper. Please sign up for the supper on the sheet in […]

Women’s Coffee

Wheat Montana 1116 9th Street South, Great Falls, MT, United States

Saturday, March 8 at 10:30 A.M. in the southwest corner of the backroom at Wheat Montana (1116 9th Street S.) Share your church history and favorite classic TV shows! Bonnie Lane will share some of her favorite poetry with the group.

Bible Jeopardy

Love Jeopardy? Love competition? Love to have fun with friends at church? Plan to join the Christian Education Board during coffee fellowship on Sunday, March 9 for an intergenerational round of team competition Bible Jeopardy, with our own Dean Jardee taking the role as host of this fabulous fun event!