Let’s Talk About It: Where are you finding joy?
via ZoomPandemics (and life in general!) are hard but there is always joy to be found. Where are you finding joy these days? Contact Rev. Lynne to get Zoom log-in information.
Pandemics (and life in general!) are hard but there is always joy to be found. Where are you finding joy these days? Contact Rev. Lynne to get Zoom log-in information.
Join us for a weekly Bible Study and Time of Prayer. This will be a reflective type of Bible study with lots of time for journaling, reflection, sharing, and prayer. Bring a candle, your favorite Bible, and a journal to write in. Each session will be about 45 minutes. For the safety and security of […]
Pandemic, Racism, Riots, Divisive times.... Where and how does faith fit in to all of that? We may not have the answer but we'll spend some faithful time in sharing and discussion. To ensure the safety of our participants, Zoom log-in information provided by request. Contact Rev. Lynne: pastor@greatfallsucc.org
Join us for a weekly Bible Study and Time of Prayer. This will be a reflective type of Bible study with lots of time for journaling, reflection, sharing, and prayer. Bring a candle, your favorite Bible, and a journal to write in. Each session will be about one hour. For the safety and security of […]
We share worship with Christ United Methodist Church through the summer months. Currently, worship is offered through Zoom, Facebook live-streaming, and YouTube. Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/greatfallsucc/ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_F90NqrN-elxYSQ17O5LeA Zoom log-in information available by request: pastor@greatfallsucc.org
Challenges in life provide fertile soil to learn about ourselves. We will spend time sharing and reflecting on what the challenges of COVID19 and Racism are teaching us about ourselves. To protect the safety of our participants, Zoom log-in information is provided by request. Contact Rev. Lynne: pastor@greatfallsucc.org