Due to increase COVID-19 activity in the community our pool party has been cancelled. Be safe, everyone!
Due to increase COVID-19 activity in the community our pool party has been cancelled. Be safe, everyone!
We will be discussing this very popular book over 4 or 5 weeks via zoom. Contact Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith ( for Zoom login information.
We share worship with Christ United Methodist Church through the summer months. Currently, worship is offered through Zoom, Facebook live-streaming, and YouTube. Facebook Link: YouTube Channel: Zoom log-in information available by request:
We will be discussing this very popular book over the course of the next 4 or 5 weeks via zoom. Contact Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith ( for Zoom login information.
Gather outdoors for safe and distanced fellowship. BYO: Chair, face mask, food. Face masks will be available if you forget yours. We ask that there be no food sharing.
We will be discussing this very popular book over the course of the 4 or 5 weeks via zoom. Contact Rev. Lynne Spencer-Smith ( for Zoom login information.