
During COVID-19, we are offering virtual worship (Zoom and Facebook live-streaming). Zoom login information provided by our pastor by request (pastor@greatfallsucc.org). Facebook address is https://www.facebook.com/.  Recorded portions of our service are also available on YouTube (first congregational ucc great falls) by Sunday afternoon.


During COVID-19, we are offering virtual worship (Zoom and Facebook live-streaming). Zoom login information provided by our pastor by request (pastor@greatfallsucc.org). Facebook address is https://www.facebook.com/.  Recorded portions of our service are also available on YouTube (first congregational ucc great falls) by Sunday afternoon.

Anti-Racism Discussion

Participants will be discussing a TED Talk by Ibram X. Kendi, "The Difference Between Being 'Not Racist' and Antiracist." https://www.ted.com/talks/ibram_x_kendi_the_difference_between_being_not_racist_and_antiracist?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare


During COVID-19, we are offering virtual worship (Zoom and Facebook live-streaming). Zoom login information provided by our pastor by request (pastor@greatfallsucc.org). Facebook address is https://www.facebook.com/.  Recorded portions of our service are also available on YouTube (first congregational ucc great falls) by Sunday afternoon.