Joint Worship 9:30 am

via Zoom

We share worship with Christ United Methodist Church through the summer months. Currently, worship is offered through Zoom, Facebook live-streaming, and YouTube. Facebook Link: YouTube Channel: Zoom log-in information available by request:

Mid-Summer Fellowship

Gather outdoors for safe and distanced fellowship. BYO: Chair, face mask, food. Face masks will be available if you forget yours. We ask that there be no food sharing.

Outdoor Worship Service

Front lawn of church

We will physically gather on the front lawn of the church for this week's worship service. In order to maintain everyone's health and safety, we have a few requirements: Bring your own chair Face masks are required (we'll provide them if you don't have your own) Six-foot Social distancing will be required (family units are […]


During COVID-19, we are sharing virtual worship (Zoom and Facebook live-streaming) with our partner congregation, Christ United Methodist Church. Zoom login information provided by our pastor by request ( Facebook address is  Recorded portions of our service are also available on YouTube (first congregational ucc great falls) by Sunday afternoon.


During COVID-19, we are sharing virtual worship (Zoom and Facebook live-streaming) with our partner congregation, Christ United Methodist Church. Zoom login information provided by our pastor by request ( Facebook address is  Recorded portions of our service are also available on YouTube (first congregational ucc great falls) by Sunday afternoon.

Worship – Outdoors!

It is our hope to worship outdoors with face masks and physical distancing. Bring your own chair and be prepared to register upon arrival. We'll have hand sanitizer available. The service will be streamed to Facebook. Should the weather not allow for an outdoor service, we will worship via Zoom and Facebook live-streaming. Zoom login […]