Plans are under way for a UCC Confirmation program. The class sessions will be held in four one-day retreat settings, 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. on March 1 & 22 and April 5 & 26. Students who wish, will be confirmed during worship on May 4. Please keep the students in your prayers: Liam Brewer, Kaeden Dunn, […]
Beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 10:00 A.M. We meet on Wednesdays in the church parlor for 1.5 hours and all are welcome. This session will be led by Retired Pastor Paul Holland. We are going to look at Adam Hamilton's book 24 Hours that Changed the World. Cost is $9.00. Please let Lois Baker know […]
Our Ash Wednesday service will continue the tradition of utilizing a variety of meditation centers to explore and reflect on the season of Lent. The service will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Following the service, the Fellowship Board is sponsoring a Stone Soup Supper. Please sign up for the supper on the sheet in […]
Sign up now for the annual spring retreat sponsored by the unified Church Growth and Vitality Board. Rev. Sara MacGilvra Branom will facilitate “For Such A Time As This” on Saturday, March 22. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 A.M. The retreat will begin at 9:00 A.M. Lunch will also be served and the event […]